



2018.12 - 至今 教授,我校 2012.03 - 2018.12 副教授,我校 2009.09 – 2011.08 助理教授,法国里尔科技大学 2006.09 – 2011.01 流体力学研究员,里尔力学实验室,课题:液固两相流固相的统计性质 2010.03 – 2010.07 实习生指导,里尔科技大学硕士研究生实习,实习课题:在悬浮中颗粒群的动力学性质的研究


2006.09 – 2011.01 流体力学博士研究生,法国里尔力学实验室,课题:液固两相流固相的微结构 2004.09 – 2006.07 力学硕士研究生,法国里尔科技大学,课题:固相在倾斜管道液固两相流的性质 1997.09 – 2001.07 机械工程本科,山东农业大学






何坤健,张惟斌,江启峰*,等. 圆盘泵输送性能与内部流动研究进展[J]. 我校学报(自然科学版),2021,40(2):10 − 17.

Zhang, N., Gao, B., Xia, B.Jiang, Q.*Effect of the volute tongue cut on pressure pulsations of a low specific speed centrifugal pump. J Hydrodyn 32, 758–770, (2020).

Heng, Y.; Han, Y.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, W.; Bois, G.; Jiang, Q.*; Wang, Z.; Liu, X. Tesla Bladed Pump (Disc Bladed Pump) Preliminary Experimental Performance Analysis. Energies, 202013, 4873.

Fanhui Zeng, Yu Zhang, Jianchun Guo, Wenxi Ren, Tao Zhang, Qifeng Jiang, Jianhua Xiang, A Unified Multiple Transport Mechanism Model for Gas through Shale Pores, Geofluids,   2020.

Heng, Y.; Hu, B.; Jiang, Q.; Wang, Z.; Liu, X. Stall Mode Transformation in the Wide Vaneless Diffuser of Centrifugal Compressors. Energies 2020, 13, 6067.

Weibin Zhang, Qifeng Jiang*, Gérard Bois*, Hong Li, Xiaobing Liu, Shuai Yuan and Yaguang Heng, Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Flow Characteristics in a Double Helix Screw Pump, Energies 2019, 12(18), 3420.

Qifeng Jiang, Yaguang Heng*, Xiaobing Liu, Weibin Zhang , Gérard Bois* and Qiaorui Si, A Review of Design Considerations of Centrifugal Pump Capability for Handling Inlet Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows, Energies 2019, 12(6), 1078.

Jiang Q, Ismail J, Zaïri F, et al. Damage interaction and angle effects on the erosion behavior of soda-lime-silica glass. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2019(28): 118-133.

Qifeng Jiang, Fahmi Zaïri, Caroline Fréderix, Zhu Yan, Amil Derrouiche, Zhengwei Qu, Xiaobing Liu, Fahed Zaïri, Biomechanical response of a novel intervertebral disc prosthesis using functionally graded polymers: A finite element study, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019(94), 288-297.

Jiang QZaïri, Fahmi, Fréderix, Caroline, et al. Crystallinity dependency of the time-dependent mechanical response of polyethylene: application in total disc replacement. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 30(4).

Zhao M , Ge X F ,Jiang Q F*et al. Application of GA-BP model to fault diagnosis of hydro-turbine generating units. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163.

Ge X F , Jiang M , Xu X , Jiang Q F, et al. Design and optimization of one kind stream micro water power generation device. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163.

          Qiaorui  Si, Gérard Bois, Qifeng Jiang, Wenting He, Asad Ali and Shouqi Yuan,Investigation on the handling ability  of centrifugal pumps under air–water two-phase inflow: model and experimental  validation.Energies2018, 11, 3048-1-17.

Ning Zhang*, Bo Gao, Zhong Li, Qifeng Jiang*, Cavitating flow-induced unsteady pressure pulsations in a low specific speed centrifugal pump, Royal Society Open Science,2018(5).

Jiang Q, Ismail J, Zaïri F, et al. Damage mechanisms in bioactive glass matrix composites under uniaxial compression[J]. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2018(79): 264-272.

Ning Zhang*, Bo Gao, Zhong Li, Dan Ni, Qifeng Jiang*,Unsteady flow structure and its evolution in a low specific speed centrifugal pump measured by PIV, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018(97), 133-144.

Guan, F., Qin, H., An, C., Jiang, Q.*, Liu, S., & Ma, W., et al. The helical buckling analysis of coiled tubing in offshore pipelines.Ships & Offshore Structures,2018(1), 1-11.

Liu X, Hu Q, Wang H, Jiang Q, Shi G, Characteristics of unsteady excitation induced by cavitation in axial-flow oil–gas multiphase pumps. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(4):168781401877126.

       Zeng F*, Cheng X, Guo J, Chen Z, Tao L, Liu X, Jiang Q*, Xiang J, Effect of fluid penetration on tensile failure during fracturing of an open-hole wellbore. Journal of Geophysics & Engineering, 2018.

         Liu S, Xiao H, Guan F, Jiang Q, Wu J, Yang Tet al. Coiled tubing failure analysis and ultimate bearing capacity under multi-group load. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 79.

        Jia-Nan Li, Qi-Feng Jiang*, Xiao-Bing Liu, Gérard Bois, Force analysis of centrifugal pump impeller under gas-liquid two phase condition, The 14th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, Zhenjiang,  China,  2017.11.10-11.13

Q Jiang , Y Brunet, X Liu, Macroscopic Anisotropy of Suspensions out of Stokes Regime, the 2th  International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow(ISCM 2016), Zhenjiang, China, 2016.10.22-10.25



Song Wenwu, Jiang Qifeng, Zhao Fei & Wang Huiyan, Theoretical and structural design of high head tubular turbine, 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Complex Solids and Fluids(ICMCSF), Lille, France, 2015.05.17-05.22

Song Wenwu, Jiang Qifeng, Zhao Fei & Wang Huiyan, Research on the performance of high head tubular turbine, 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Complex Solids and Fluids(ICMCSF), Lille, France, 2015.05.17-05.22



Jiang Q., Brunet Y.*, and Kanit T. Microstructure of the solid phase in fluidized beds for non-Stokes regimes, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2010, 29(6) : 435-441

Jiang Q., Brunet Y. Microstructure et anisotropie macroscopique de suspensions hors régime de Stokes. 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Marseille, France, 2009.08.24-08.28

(2) 著作

司乔瑞,Gérard Bois江启峰.英语 - 汉语 - 法语泵技术词汇大全[M].江苏大学出版社,2018.(322千字)








2016.07 基于“科研-教学”连接体的本科创新实践体系的构建 我校教学成果二等奖

2006.09 法国教育部奖学金



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